Stylists' Tips for Ladies Over 50
by Karen
Each woman keeps growing all of her life. Depending on your biological age, many of your principles, your ways of solving problems (serious or minor) and your attitudes will change. The same thing can be said about your taste in dresses. Some ladies, however, do not accept their ages and keep using the style they invented during adolescence and young adulthood.

This should not be, so here are some style tips on how to change successfully but not dramatically.
You may not want to change. After all, indeed, that style of dress or haircut once suited you. So why change it if it once suited you? Be honest, however—the things that suited you in your 20s may not suit you in your 50s. It’s not necessary to be a 30-year-old lady who aged dramatically, but it’s necessary to be the lady who looks younger than her 50s.

Perhaps you do not wear accessories. You may think that such things were invented only for younger women. You’re wrong! Stylish earrings can easily switch attention from a wrinkled neck and make you look really sparkling. Or, the shawl in your color type may make you into the vintage podium diva. You may find accessories such as shawls and shrugs in our catalog. These accessories will refresh boring apparel and transform a bored face into a shiny one.
The biggest mistake that many ladies over 50 make is not spending money on new apparel for themselves. Some ladies think they’ve lived their lives, and they owe to their daughters and sons to spend most of the budget on their children’s apparel and hobbies. Be frank with yourself: Do you really want your daughter look the way you do now when she is 50? You need to be the example of style and be ready to change and wear garments that accentuate your best parts and hide your worst!
Many ladies who put on weight start wearing shapeless garments. We have mentioned many times in our blog postings that these clothes make you into a non-figure lady even more than closely tightened styles do. So, what is the answer? Find the best silhouettes. We have mentioned several tricks and tips regarding how look younger and how to dress for plus-sized bodies.

In brief, if you have a perfect bust, you may switch to empire style dresses, and if you have plump but well-built ankles, you may accentuate these features with modern sandal shoes on heels and a skirt in medium length.
Wear the perfect bra. After bearing children, your bust may not be the same, but the perfectly chosen bra will support your form and improve your overall style. Many ladies make the same mistake as they are used to wearing the same style of bra. (The worst case is when they do not change their bra size). Use the special size tables and chose the necessary style for most of your wardrobe so that you may agree that the style you choose is the only one to suit you and your new style of dress. Also, you should pick up the necessary slimming pants. Lingerie, when chosen properly, may conceal up to 22–25 pounds.
We may say the same thing about makeup. Actually, your makeup technique should change every 7–10 years. That’s why even the makeup for 15 and 25 year-old gals mustn’t be the same. Moreover, changes in makeup may bring you a lot of pleasure. Our advice is to use a virtual makeup artist or visit areal one to learn about the makeup that will emphasize your best!
Here are some tips any lady should know about her makeup at any age:
• Wash your face before applying makeup. Washing makes your skin smoother, and thus, the tone foundation will lay evenly.
• You should moisturize your skin, as skin becomes drier as it ages.
• The tone foundation should be really light, as a thick foundation may reveal wrinkles.
• Do not ignore applying blush, as the perfectly chosen blush color may return the touch of freshness and subtract years from your face. As your cheekbones may “sag,” the blush may “push up” them visually.
• Do not wear too much makeup on your eyelids. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear eye makeup at all. Your eyes should be accentuated in a way that draws attention away from your facial flaws. Do not wear mascara on the lower lashes, but use liquid eyeliner on the upper lids and more black mascara on the upper lashes.
Finally, remember that you are only as old as you feel. Yoga-based fitness programs will help you feel younger and more relaxed, and this attitude will be reflected in your face.
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